
The are two ways to include LiveMarket SDK in your project - installation through npm or yarn or a classic browser <script> tag. Depending on your setup, you have to make a decision on how you want to incorporate the SDK. The preffered way of using the SDK is with a bundler like webpack or rollup or in a Node.js environment. This is because these environments allow you to get type suggestions for LiveMarket’s entities and in case of bundlers - can remove code that is not used in your project.


Node / Bundlers

Install the package.

npm install livemarket-sdk


yarn add livemarket-sdk


Include the Livemarket SDK script tag on your page.


<script src="PATH_TO_LIVEMARKET_SDK/dist/index.umd.min.js"></script>


<script src="???"></script>

Creating a client

In order to use LiveMarket SDK you first need to create a client.

Node / Bundlers setup

import { Client, FetchClientAdapter } from 'livemarket-sdk';
// const { Client, FetchClientAdapter } = require('livemarket-sdk');

const client = new Client(
    token: '###YOUR_CLIENT_TOKEN###',
    adapter: new FetchClientAdapter()

Browser script tag

const client = new LiveMarket.Client({
    token: '###YOUR_CLIENT_TOKEN###',
    adapter: new LiveMarket.FetchClientAdapter()

Important: FetchClientAdapter requires access to the Fetch API. In order to use this adapter in the Node environment, you need to polyfill it with something like node-fetch or isomorphic-unfetch.

Note: If you want to enable live chat for videos, you must also include pusher-js library in client’s options under pusher key or include it as a script tag before LiveMarketSDK on your page. You also need to provide pusherKey in client options.

Client options

The client contains a few options you can customize. See Client options.